You will have a fully packed bag when you received your OAK Appliance eLite RPi-CM

Unpacking it

Connect the power supply and cables

Power up the OAK Appliance eLite RPi-CM
Power up the OAK Appliance, the system will be booting up in 30 seconds. there is a power status green LED, and one green LED for the status of the port 1 to 4 and the port 5 to 8.

Configure the OAK Appliance eLite RPi-CM and IPPBX functions
The OAK Appliance is configured with DHCP, you can refer to here to find out what is the IP address that your router or GW assigned to the OAK appliance. Once you have the IP address, point your web browser to https://youripaddress and accept the connections of SSL. Please be noticed that the OAK Appliance GUI uses a self-signed CA key, you can accept it by directly and ignore the warning of the browser.
For the details of how to configure IPPBX functions through GUI, please refer to below two links
How to recovery the OAK Appliance eLite PRi-CM
Connect to the micro USB port of the front of the enclosure, and follow the below manual to do the recovery of the OAK Appliance eLite RPi-CM
The OAK Appliance eLite RPi-CM factory firmware: https://mega.nz/file/fP5VkQqR#oKxxJ-X6XRHE370bhmgzS4fZq2tEkoayR9NkNN9ArdU